
Archive for February, 2010|Monthly archive page

Next Quarter!

In Uncategorized on February 28, 2010 at 7:37 pm

Well well well!
Here I sit writing to you with only two weeks of class left before finals week! It has been such a fast paced quarter I feel like I just got back from winter break and what a quarter it has been!
Well this week was one that would prove both challenging and well adventurous. Work was crazy as I worked 10.5 hours this week when I am only supposed to work 8 in a week… its okay i was a little behind (but not much) on my hours I now think that I am ahead of hours which means I won’t be working much finals week which could be good as I am trying to get home as soon as possible!
Anyways I believe I told you about a math test last week? Well we had that Thursday and you would think at how slow he is to get things back to us that I wouldn’t have gotten it back by Friday but I did! And I felt great about the test I ended up with a 91 on the test and an average of 88 on my first three tests! We have one more on the 8th of March!
English is going fairly well, a lot of work coming in the next two weeks. We have a couple of longer papers to turn in over the course the rest of the quarter and they will be fairly in depth papers. We gave our logical fallacies project presentation on Tuesday, it went fairly well and I am glad that it is over!
Reading! Ah I have not had as much chance to read over the last couple of weeks ive finished only 9 books and am halfway through a 10th at the end of 10 weeks! I know this sounds like I am sad about that, which I am cause I was trying to break my record of 11 if I can get through the book I am reading now it is possible that I might get to 12 as I have three easy reads waiting for me!
I signed up for classes for next quarter and my schedule is a killer one, which may or may not be a good thing. I have Calc 2 again and hopefully this time we can get through and pass it, if it does give me any grief I will look at changing my major to something else (possibly history). Also I have an educational psychology class at 8 (math is at 10). Bloomsday Conditioning is at noon. Also, I have signed up for Triathalon training class which I do not plan on doing a triathalon, but it will be good to keep up my workouts, as well as fast fitness which I may drop if I can get a work schedule into my already crazy schedule! This is just a preview about what you will hear from me next quarter!
Anyways I hope this finds you well! Until next week!

A Trip Home!

In Uncategorized on February 22, 2010 at 9:09 pm

Hello All! I am a day later than usual because I took a trip home this weekend! Ah it was a great weekend to be home B-E-A-UTIFUL weather! I really only spent one day home (Saturday). Got home early early Saturday morning… I will detail my Saturday in detail later in the email! Classes! Ah English has been overloaded this past week with a big group project that may or may not have come together yet (we had it all together and the final touches were being put on it I was supposed to have a copy of it in my email by now but no such luck). Three members from my group were able to meet this morning with our teacher to go over it and we present tomorrow wish us luck with it! Math test was given back last week. I ended up getting a 76 on it so not my best showing, but compared to the second test last quarter a substantial improvement was made. I now am averaging an 88 on the first two tests and have only missed 15 points on homework it looks like it will work out this quarter! Running is obviously going to go well! Played a bit of Ultimate today which was fun. Work is work I worked 6 hours on Monday but won’t get that money until the 10th of March but will eventually so it is okay! Other than that nothing new and exciting. Reading books I haven’t gotten well into a book yet this week finished Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief last week and have moved to Jodi Picoult’s Picture Perfect and am 70 or so pages into it! Try and finish it by this weekend but we will see it is going to be a busy week! Now onto my weekend home! It was a much needed break from the life that is a college student in Cheney! I caught a ride with Anna Peterson and Stefan Troutman who were heading over the mountains for the weekend as well! We got in about 1 or so and met the Vadsets at a bowling alley in Everett and I went back home with them getting home about 230 or so Saturday Morning. I got some shut eye and was up and at em at about 715 in the morning. Had a little bit to eat/drink before heading out on a nice 10 mile run with Josh Rassmussen. Now we both thought I was gonna be the one lagging behind but I kept pace fairly well with him until the last 600m or so when he used his speed to just kill me. However, we kept a sold 7 minute 15 second pace (give or take a bit) and I felt great. We then proceeded to go out to IHOP for a nice pancake breakfast (with some hot cocoa to drink). Came back and showed hung out a bit then headed over to the Royer’s and caught up with them for a bit before making my way to the Vadset’s. Saw them for a little over an hour before my dad took me out to my cousins birthday party (she turns 4 today!) and I caught up with some family for a little while! Then went back to the Vadset’s watched a little bit of the Olympics before heading back to my moms house for some shut eye. Then came back Sunday after church! And here I am! Hope to see many many more of you in a few weeks for spring break! Brandon

Valentines Day

In Uncategorized on February 14, 2010 at 10:10 pm

Hey All!
I want to wish you all a Very Happy Valentines Day and I hope it was a special one for you!
This week was a quick one it seemed like it would drag on on Monday, but it definitely flew by! Monday saw a test in Math that was really easy (although I think you all heard about it in my last email to you). Still haven’t gotten it back, however have heard from the teacher on multiple occasions throughout the week that everyone seemed to be doing well on it so that is a good sign isn’t it? English was can canceled on Tuesday and we had a really long day on Thursday for it! Running also continues to go well my knee doesn’t hurt anymore and the blister is getting better (almost all the way!).
There really isn’t anything exciting to tell you about, I went to see Percy Jackson The Lighting Thief on Friday and that was good. I am not reading the book and it isn’t anything like the book but good nonetheless. Amanda Weaver’s mom was here this weekend and we went out to PF Chan’s last night and it was delicious! Tonight I will be having dinner with Kylie Martonik, Morgan Druckman who is visiting from Western, and Amanda to celebrate VDay!
Anyways, I am coming home next weekend will be home late late Friday night probably Saturday morning!
Oh of course you want to know how many books I am through now right? At the end of 6 weeks I am through 8 books and well into Percy Jackson, also started What I talk about when I talk about running, its okay but all over the place I will finish that one later.
Hope you all have a great day!

Sorry So Late!

In Uncategorized on February 9, 2010 at 4:26 pm

Hey All!
Sorry I just realized that I forgot to send you an email this weekend! It isn’t that I was doing anything of real importance just slipped my mind!
Well last week was a rough and tumble week for classes! My math teacher’s sister passed away rather unexpectedly and we had class cancelled for most of Wednesday, and Thursday and Friday. Had a test yesterday in math that I hope went okay it was really a bit easy so I am hoping I did alright… In English we are working on Logical Fallacies and are trying to locate them in the media for a group project. Friday the only class I had was running and I overslept and was almost late for it, the class was running out of the building as I was getting there! Made it though! Other than that nothing too exciting going on on the school front.
On the family front, however, many of you have heard the most exciting news of the week! My brother, Brian of course, is now engaged to Becky Clark! So it was quite an exciting Wednesday and Thursday and of course the excitement will continue! So congrats to both of them!
Books I have read I read Mercy by Jodi Picoult this week and also finished Kings of Clonmel by John Flanagan (Taner I have been meaning to email you I will write myself a note and email later about this series I think you would like it). So that brings the total up to 7 books in the first 5 weeks of quarter! I am going to try and finish the remaining books on my shelf by the end of quarter! Let’s see if we can do it!
Well nothing else too exciting or worth mentioning this week! Short and sweet I suppose!
Love and Miss you All!